In a CNN money article titled Bernanke: Fed will make profit on bailout, we read that the head of the Federal Reserve is feeling confident that the money spent in the Fannie and Freddie bailout has a good chance to become a profit for the government. Hearing this so soon comes as a surprise because all I hear on the streets is negative. Anytime I search out economic updates and read articles from well credited writers on the economy, it seems like I hear more and more positive posts…soothsayers speak negative but media writers positive. For example, if you ask your local family member friend who forwards all the politcal emails, or “the next guy”, the feeling is negative.
Is America’s team a good comparison to America’s voting public? It seems like the Dallas Cowboy fan is a good metaphor to a profile of the American citizen as it relates to a fan or not of the political games played during these up and down times. When the market is thick, dense, and bullish, the American is smiling and has all hope and no worries. Then, any negative dip, their ready to shoot their quarterback but reserve just enough spirit to have an open mind for the next “game”. Winning a couple games isn’t good enough for the Cowboy fan. They have to win the Super Bowl or the season is a bust. It appears that we are winning little games one day, one week, and months at a time in our economy…do we have to win it all at once for the majority to be happy. Progress, not perfection is my way of looking at it.
When Bernanke spoke of the money the government will make back and profit from, he was not speaking of the Troubled Asset Relief Program. The TARP program is not expected to have the same positive turnout as the bailout money, and the positive side to that is that it wasn’t as large as the bailout…win one big battle and lose a smaller.
Tracking the programs and their returns.
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